Time to get out of the eddy

EddyFlowerPic I've spent hours, days and even years sitting in my kayak acting as eddy flower.  Colorado rivers are scary and their rapids are even scarier. The safe place, then, is always the eddy until you are confident to get into the big water.  Here you can safely watch your friends surf the waves without taking risks. In Jeff Utecht's book REACH he gives us permission to lurk (stay in the eddy) when first building your Professional Learning Network (PLN). He says it's part of the process. He's right. However, I have been lurking far too long. I've been reading blogs for education for many years. I've encouraged and taught teachers to blog and to tweet.  Years ago I could get away with the "do as I say..." mantra but today I need to model for my students true global collaboration, sharing, and learning. It's my turn to leave the eddy and play in the big waves.  I am not truly confident in my skills but I am hoping this COETAIL experience will give me both the confidence and inspiration to improve my digital footprint and deepen my learning in the process.